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View Full Version : Is your Money Smart?

T Baggins
April 8th, 2009, 04:59 PM
***2013 Update: Money$mart is a class sponsor of Production Cup!

This means NO COST to ANY MRA MEMBER for EITHER the consultation OR the plan...

So maybe you've seen this ad before and you're thinking "Yeah, like you're gonna tell me something I don't already know...?" or maybe "I prefer to keep my finances private, not really anybody's business what my bills look like..."

Well now I have a web-application that allows you to put your info in, totally anonymously, and it will instantly tell you whether or not you're a candidate for the program.

Go to www.makeyourmoneysmart.com and you can see for yourself...

** Disclaimer - I'm smarter than the web-calculator... so if it comes back screwy don't fret. I can still help you... lol

Money Smart is a program that looks at your current income, expenses, and cash flow - and provides creative solutions to do the following:

1) Accelerate your debt reduction (like big time)!

2) Reduce your interest rates and interest paid, immediately!

3) Free up cash to reduce debt (or help float some racing expenses during the Summer time) immediately!

4) Cut your time to pay off credit cards, cars, moto's, home, etc... by as much as 60% or more!

Star client to date was paying everything on time, and even paying ahead on bills by as much as $800/month. Even so, it would have taken client:

17 months to pay off credit cards

24 months to pay off bike and car

and 23 years to pay off mortgage.

Money Smart Program (using EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY, NOT A PENNY MORE) was able to:

Pay off credit cards in 9 months

Pay off Moto in 13 months

Pay off Car in 16 months

Pay off mortgage in 8 1/2 years

First Month Interest Savings of $95

Total interest saved over life of program will be over $130,000!

SERIOUSLY! NO BS NO Gimmicks, it's all 100% real, legit and true - and I do all the work!

Initial consultation is free!

Program fee is on a sliding scale based on how much money you save. If I can't save you money, you pay nothing! When you see how much money you're throwing away you'll beg me to take your money and set you up on the program.

Is your Money Smart?

Wanna Bet? :wink:



April 8th, 2009, 05:55 PM
It really does work, and it is painless. Best part was freeing up cash for racing this summer!!!!

T Baggins
April 10th, 2009, 09:16 AM
Oh, we're saving people some BIG money!!! Who's next?

Consultation 100% free!

T Baggins
June 10th, 2009, 09:40 AM
So you're probably racking up your CC bills by this point in the season. Call now and I'll show you how to EFFECTIVELY manage all your fun new debt!

T Baggins
October 28th, 2009, 09:52 AM
Wanna pay off your debts in less than half the time? Save a lot of interest, put a little extra coin in your pocket??

Free consultation!

Max fee for program is ONLY $99 till the end of the year.

October 28th, 2009, 10:28 AM
My money didnt graduate middle school Baggins! How might you be able to help a Powersports salesman on comm?-aus :shock:

T Baggins
October 28th, 2009, 11:33 AM
you have pm.

November 4th, 2009, 02:11 PM
So what type of info do you need for a consultation? Just income and bills or do you need all expenses like how much for food, gas etc.? I'm really not organized enough to have stuff broke down like that.

T Baggins
November 4th, 2009, 03:07 PM
All it takes is a list of recurring credit bills like visa, mastercard, department store, car, mortgage, etc... Stuff that actually comes in the mail every month that you HAVE to mail off a check to. The budgetary stuff isn't really that critical for my consultation.

In fact, I don't want or need income info, social security, account numbers, anything like that... It's really pretty cool what you can work out with this program!

send me e-mail directly if you want an info sheet... mra21@hotmail.com

T Baggins
February 24th, 2010, 03:44 PM
So maybe you've seen this ad before and you're thinking "Yeah, like you're gonna tell me something I don't already know...?" or maybe "I prefer to keep my finances private, not really anybody's business what my bills look like..."

Well now I have a web-application that allows you to put your info in, totally anonymously, and it will instantly tell you whether or not you're a candidate for the program.

Go to www.makeyourmoneysmart.com and you can see for yourself...

T Baggins
June 29th, 2010, 10:19 AM
So if you're staring at your Credit Card statements right now going "holy crap, this racing is expensive..."

now might be a good time to give the MoneySmart program a try...

I'm just sayin. :wink:

T Baggins
October 20th, 2010, 03:23 PM
An now the season is over and you're thinking to yourself - "Jeeezzuz, did I really put that much on my credit cards this Summer?"

Money Smart can help you pay it all down quickly, save interest, and maybe even have a little extra cash for 2011!

T Baggins
November 30th, 2010, 12:51 PM
So after a VERY quick review of my most recent client's situation:

We are able to lower his monthy expenses by $1,200 and cut the interest IN HALF! This without any real significant changes to his current debt load, just redistributing it to get better cash flow and which then allows him to make a SERIOUS dent in his bills moving forward.

Seriously - what are you guys waiting for? Get a head start on your 2011 race program by paying off your 2010 expenses NOW...

November 30th, 2010, 06:45 PM
I'm trying it now...

November 30th, 2010, 06:50 PM
Hmmm.. it's says: "Your current situation: 4.99 years to debt free" and "MoneySmart solution: 46.75 years to debt free".

Doesn't make much sense to me?

I put my email and phone number in... are you going to be calling me there Tony?

December 1st, 2010, 07:44 AM
Hmmm.. it's says: "Your current situation: 4.99 years to debt free" and "MoneySmart solution: 46.75 years to debt free".

Doesn't make much sense to me?

I put my email and phone number in... are you going to be calling me there Tony?

"Must have been some Monday morning eff up. I missed a decimal point or something"

T Baggins
December 1st, 2010, 08:25 AM
Hmmm.. it's says: "Your current situation: 4.99 years to debt free" and "MoneySmart solution: 46.75 years to debt free".

DOH! :shock:

Fire the webmaster, it's his fault!!!

I'll take a look. :)

T Baggins
January 13th, 2011, 08:52 AM
Just freed up almost $500 a month for one of my clients...

T Baggins
March 2nd, 2011, 10:32 AM
You're gonna need some extra cash flow in order to get thru the 2011 season...

I can help you find it!

2011 special is $99 per client, with unlimited support throughout the year to be sure you're on track!

Anybody interested in me doing a "group presentation" following a General Meeting or at a trackday to get you enough info to determine if it makes sense for you?

March 2nd, 2011, 10:10 PM
Damn straight, my moneys smart.
It flies right the hell outta my pocket.

T Baggins
March 25th, 2011, 08:39 AM
Bought a brand new 2011 Hyundai Sonata a year ago this week.

Just paid it off TODAY!

Thank you MoneySmart!

T Baggins
July 24th, 2012, 11:24 AM
Haven't posted up in a while... but wanted to share another success story with you.

Married couple in their late 40's has the following debt:

Small 15 Year Mortgage
Short Sale Note with 4 years to go
Car Loan with 4 years to go

Doing what they were doing (which is paying a little extra on each, every month) they would have paid everything off in April of 2024 and paid

OVER $30,000 in interest

this includes "saving" $5800 in interest vs. making just minimum payment.

Applying the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY each month, but "MY WAY" vs. "THEIR WAY"

They will have ALL debts, INCLUDING THEIR MORTGAGE, paid off just in time for Christmas 2016...

and will save an additional $19,275 in interest along the way...

Look, I'm sure what you're doing is going to be just fine... I mean these guys were going to pay their house off 3 years early and save almost $6K by doing it their way...

When you're ready to get serious about your finances and debt service, give me a call. It's your money, you should keep it if you can.

July 24th, 2012, 11:59 AM
+1 for Tony's Knowledge!!!!

I have a truck and RV I would have never had and now have a plan going forward for paying the truck and RV off in roughly 3-4 years (~8 years savings) and having the option to retire at a younger than common age if I desire with no debt, not even a mortgage.

Any time spent with him learning is time WELL SPENT

July 24th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Ya but your a GINGER who has good luck because of all the lucky charms you eat.

T Baggins
May 29th, 2013, 01:17 PM

I just wanna see you guys and gals have plenty of money available to race - AND still responsibly service your debt!
