View Full Version : Photo Listing Question 4 Riders

August 10th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I am going to organize the photos by class this time. The question I have for you guys is do you want a separate listing for the ROR GTU Enduro/Am GTU Enduro races or just list the enduro photos in with the AM GTU/ROR GTU races? I assumes it is the same riders in the races, but I may be wrong, or you guys may just prefer it listed as a separate race

August 10th, 2008, 08:34 PM
I'd say list separately. But if it's more work for you then what ever is more convenient.

August 10th, 2008, 09:02 PM
listing by classes, isn't hard at all. So making two more classes is nothing. I can have all the photos up by tomorrow if I do it that way.

If I list them by rider # I have to look at every photo and organize them into rider folders then post them driver by driver. That will take a few days as there are near 2 thousand photos to go trough and look/tag. So if you guys don't mind waiting a little while longer for the shots I can do it that way. But if you want them tomorrow I'll just put them up by class.

It's up to you guys.