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View Full Version : PMP camping questions

June 24th, 2008, 08:50 AM
The last couple races I've attended in Pueblo I've stayed in a motel. Now due to fuel prices, people's stuff getting busted into, tight budget, etc, etc I'm gonna camp.

I'd like to stay down friday and saturday night. I know there are drags on friday, and I don't mind paying for my entrance plus It would be fun to watch. However, are us bike guys allowed to camp on friday? also, are the pits full for the drags? Help?


T Baggins
June 24th, 2008, 09:05 AM
If you have a bike in the trailer, they typically won't charge you to come in for the Drag Races since they know you're "legit".

You can camp for sure, but we need to stay North of the Sunoco Fuel Tanks so the guys in drag have proximal access to the staging lanes and all that.

Why you worried about stuff getting busted into? Aren't you "the man"? I'll bet you could put a cap in some thieve's ass and they'd leave your stuff alone right quick!

June 24th, 2008, 09:31 AM
The man I am, but it sucks jumping out of the old hotel bed to run to the window and check on my stuff every time a hear the slightest noise. Also, I'd rather spend my time on the track, and not sitting in an interview room with handcuffs on trying to explain to Pueblo PD Detective why I dumped an entire magazine of .45 into some fool who tried to steal my bike, which consequently isn't worth that much to begin with, and shooting someone who is attempting/ stealing property isn't technically "Legal". Also, I hear the bbq's after the races are fun! Got to be better than "Visions ULTRA lounge" Shutter. I don't have a trailer, so I guess I'll try explaining that to the track guy. Thanks for the info!