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November 1st, 2007, 12:59 PM
On an erg, anyway... :roll:


November 2nd, 2007, 09:20 AM
I have a Concept erg at my house and I LOVE IT! I don't have a current 500M time....what is yours Margaret???

Jim 'smooth' Brewer
November 2nd, 2007, 02:36 PM
I have a Concept erg at my house and I LOVE IT! I don't have a current 500M time....what is yours Margaret???
500m? Like in meters? I would have thought you'd want to have 10K times. http://users.frii.com/jjb/emote/dunno.gif
Ugh, 500m is tough! I tried it tonight in the gym and blew up 3 times before getting to 500m - I started pulling at a 1:31 or so pace, but died at <300m.
I guess I don't know how to pace myself on one of those things. Any suggestions, Margaret?

November 5th, 2007, 11:44 AM
My best 500m time is 1:33.1, but I don't do single 500m pieces for time very often. 500m on, 200m off x 20 as a workout, maybe, but not at a 1:33 pace. Anything over a 2-3K should be aerobic. For a 500m piece you should be at VO2Max, and yes, Jim, it'll hurt like hell.

The most common "official" ranking time on the Concept 2 ergs is a 2K, used for competition in the World Championships:


There's a qualifying regatta in Denver for the World Champions - Feb 2nd, 2008 at Colorado Athletic Club at Monaco, if anyone wants to start training for it... Let me know if you need training tips. :lol:

I've tried pretty much every cardiovascular machine out there, and hands down a Concept2 ergometer is the best overall workout you can get. It's a misconception that rowing is an upper body workout - it's mostly legs, but everything gets worked out - lower body, upper, lats, lower back, core...the whole bit. If you've ever seen one at the gym and walked past it because you didn't know what to do with it, get on and try it out!

Me, I use it for land training for (obviously) rowing year round, but it's a great winter cross training/stay in shape workout. Try it...you'll like it!

November 5th, 2007, 10:57 PM
well your right its a muther $&@""&&, ive been walking by one of those machines at ballys for the last 6 months and had no clue what it was for.

so tonight ive got some aggression to burn up, and i get on the thing......

Ohhhh...my shins!!! They hurt worse than running on the treadmill..

It gets easier right?

can you tell me what speeds i should be maintaining? And what resistance? Would be settings for the average mortal