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View Full Version : Spider Bob update

September 25th, 2007, 09:31 AM
Many of you already know about Bob's medical condition. He was pretty beat up in the T8 crash during AmU.

Currently he is medically sedated. As of this morning they plan to continue having him "under" and don't have an eta as to when that will change

They also plan on completing a scheduled MRI and Cat scan today

It is my understanding that Bob should be able to fully recover from his injuries, however will have a long rehab infront of him.

I will update as I know more....any questions let me know


September 25th, 2007, 09:40 AM
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear he will fully recover. He is in our thoughts.

September 25th, 2007, 10:44 AM
Get well soon, Spider-Bob! :(

September 29th, 2007, 12:07 PM
Weekend Bob update:

The hospital plans on installing the trach and feeding tube this morning. However, they plan to leave him sedated until his lungs and ribs have had a chance to heal and it is more comfortable for him to breath on his own.

I have also been in contact with his brother and mother. They wanted to express there thanks to everyone down here that are helping and donating money. They are actually suprised that we as a group are helping as much as we are.


September 29th, 2007, 03:47 PM
I was glad to donate $$$ today to help!! Insurace only goes so far, and if I was in Bob's place, I'd hope for a little extra help too.

I saw his messed-up bike as it was hauled past my pit, and thought "Ooohh Shit!!"

Get well Spider Bob !!

October 1st, 2007, 11:24 AM
Monday update.

Bob's condition really hasn't changed. The hospital was able to put the trach and feeding tube in over the weekend.

Currently they are going to keep him sedated for some time without any clear idea of when he will be concious


October 4th, 2007, 10:47 AM
I spoke with the hospital this morning.

Bob is pretty much same. All things cnsidered he is doing pretty well.

Other than that I really don't have too many new details


October 4th, 2007, 11:14 AM
Are they with holding info to non family members? Seems like after all this time something would be changing or a plan would be in motion...

October 4th, 2007, 11:24 AM
Are they with holding info to non family members? Seems like after all this time something would be changing or a plan would be in motion...

Not much is changing, actually. He's sedated to give his body time to heal and "reset", and because of his injuries it could be a long process.

Having things stay the same right now is actually a good thing, in that he's stable and doing what he needs to do. I believe the plan is to keep that going like it is for now.

polar x
October 4th, 2007, 11:26 AM
Joe IS the family at this point. :(

October 4th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Because Bob's family is outside of the USA and Joe was listed as the "in case of emergency" contact - Joe is the only person that the hospital will release information to.

Having been in a situation involving multiple broken ribs (I once broke 4 ribs in 9 places) I can tell you that one of the main concerns if the patient is conscious is that the pain from breathing causes the patient to breathe shallow. This shallow breathing doesn't sufficiently "clear out" all the little nooks and crannies in the lungs and can quickly lead to pneumonia. The injuries to Bob's ribs and lungs are worse than mine were, obviously, and I'm assuming they are keeping him sedated so that he can breathe fully to prevent further lung complications.

So, it seems the plan is "let him heal in comfort" and nothing more. Given the types of injuries he has it seems appropriate. There really isn't much more they can do, he just needs time.

October 4th, 2007, 11:42 AM
Thanks guys... Im really pulling for him...

October 4th, 2007, 12:48 PM

Yes Glen and Ralphs responses are correct. The overall plan is too allow Bob to heal in comfort.

As I have mentioned in the past, he doesn't have any injuries that are life threatening or could diminish is long term capacity for life. However, the trama he sustained was pretty great. As such, he will have a pretty long road of rehad in his future.

It is also important to note that I have been intentionally vague as to the laundry list of injuries and there potential outcomes for few reasons. They all surround Bob's personal privacy. Since this is an open internet forum I can't guarentee who is reading the information and what conculusions they will jump too. I am sure that when Bob is more aware of the situation he will be happy to share the list of injuries, however I feel that is his decision and not mine.

At the begining of the season Bob asked me to be the emergency contact in case something happened. As noted by Glenn, Bob's family is in Canada. I have been in communication with them ( and with Ralph and Terri's help) we are working on action plans to help Bob with his short and long term future

So hopefully I have answered or address any concerns that anyone may have. However, please feel free to PM me (or Ralph) should you need something or wish to help with Bob's recovery.

Also please remember that we are holding a benefit track day to help Bob with his expenses. Everyone's participation would be greatly appreciated



October 4th, 2007, 08:20 PM
Joe, I know this is random, but is there any talk or possibility of him being moved up to a hospital in Denver where he can be closer to those who are "family" to him and all the friends he values so much?

October 7th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Finally some positive news to share

We went down to the hospital to check in on Bob.

He is awake and responsive to his surroundings, he even through us the shocker!. He is currently breathing on his own, albiet via the trach tube. The hope is that Bob will continue breathing on his own through out the remainder of the weekend. Should this be the case they plan on changing is trach to a style that will allow him to be able to speak.

Once this happens he will be transfered to a Denver long term acute rehab hospital. The hope is the transfer will be on Tuesday, however that is still a little up in the air

As of our meeting with the ICU staff today, they have requested that we NOT flood the hospital with visitors. Therefore, he is still not accepting vistors. However, after the transfer we hope that will change.

Any questions please let me know via PM


October 7th, 2007, 10:32 AM
sweet. that is somewhat of a relief to hear. Glenn #62

October 7th, 2007, 11:33 AM
Thanks for the regular updates, Joe.

October 8th, 2007, 06:12 AM
Oh man thats amazing news !!

October 8th, 2007, 06:19 AM
Thats great to hear. Keep up the good work bob. We are all pullin for you.

October 9th, 2007, 11:50 AM
Was able to see Bob yesterday

He is becoming more aware of his surroundings as the medication begins to wear off. So things seem to be progressing very well

The plan is to transfer him to Denver this week. I will let everyone know the new hospital's process and information when I know


October 10th, 2007, 08:16 AM
Just heard the news today, sorry to hear it Bob, get well.

Thanks for the updates Joe. You guys take care!

October 10th, 2007, 11:04 AM
Good news and Bad news

Good news:

Bob was transfered to Denver yesterday. Currently he has begun the process of rehabilitation. He, with time, will recover from his injuries. He is awake and aware and breathing on his own. Due to his trach, he is not able to speak yet...but that should change hopefully in the next few days

Bad news:

Bob is still not really in a position to see visitors. I have told him I will not announce the hospital or the visting hours until he tells me he is up for it . So again, I ask that everyone respect his privacy and let him heal up with a little bit of peace.

Any questions please let me know


Wild Cheetah 612
October 10th, 2007, 11:47 AM
Tell him Otis and I say, "Hi, we think of him often, and wish him well ASAP!"

Thanks Joe!!

October 16th, 2007, 09:38 PM
It is my understanding that Bob ... will have a long rehab infront of him.

Screw that! I may not be 100% (or even close to it), but I'm too well to be here (these are the words of several of the staff here!). They are currently talking about sending me as early as this weekend, or early next week.

I'll keep y'all posted.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, donations & offers for help! Words cannot even begin to describe how touched I am!

October 16th, 2007, 09:47 PM
Thats great news Bob. I hope you heal up soon. We are all thinking of you.

October 18th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Looks like I'll be home for the weekend... I just got the word that they'll be releasing me tomorrow! 8)

October 18th, 2007, 06:07 PM
For Friday:

Welcome home! Teri and I are looking forward to having dinner with you. Tortellini sound good?

Let us know if we can do anything.

October 27th, 2007, 05:36 AM
All of you, MY bike kids, ROCK !!! Yep, I get possessive real quick (but hate to be possessed).

Anyway, I was contacted about the drawing for the 2008 weekday track rental donation from PMP.

We have "revised" it a little.

For those of you who absolutely cannot join all us crazy at the track that day, you can still get in on the deal. Contact Joe. If you make a minimum donation to the Bob fund, we will put your name on a ticket and you'll be in the drawing. So, there's no reason to feel left out. Remember this is for one of ya and we at PMP want Bob worrying about the cute nurses not bills.

Just the ole cafe lady,

October 31st, 2007, 12:30 PM
Glad your back home where comfort is key! Prayers for a speedy recovery Bob from Oregon!


November 1st, 2007, 10:31 AM

I haven't been online too much lately, so here's a quick update:

I had surgery last Wednesday to fix my broken forearm. They had to rebreak the Radius, then plate it & screw it (6 screws).

Surgery went well. In addition to general anasthetic, they gave me a nerve block, so when I woke up, my whole arm was numb... weird! That lasted until about 8PM (Percocet to the rescue :lol: ).

Recovery was going well until early Friday morning when I got hit with a case of food poisoning that kicked my ass. I stayed in bed all day, and was well enough to make an appearance at a halloween party Saturday night, but it took until Monday or Tuesday until I was back to "normal" energy levels. I'm feeling much better now and glad that incident is over with.

That's it for now. 8)

Wild Cheetah 612
November 1st, 2007, 10:57 AM
Nice hearing from you, Spidey!!
Keep up the great attitude!

November 1st, 2007, 12:54 PM
I had surgery last Wednesday to fix my broken forearm. They had to rebreak the Radius, then plate it & screw it (6 screws).


Recovery was going well until early Friday morning when I got hit with a case of food poisoning that kicked my ass.


Dude, you need to buy a lottery ticket. You've exhausted your lifetime's share of bad luck, so you're bound to win big.

November 1st, 2007, 02:38 PM
I'm glad things are going better for you! I agree with the lottery idea.. Take care of yourself and don't push it..

Tawny & Matt

November 1st, 2007, 02:46 PM
I had surgery last Wednesday to fix my broken forearm. They had to rebreak the Radius, then plate it & screw it (6 screws).


Recovery was going well until early Friday morning when I got hit with a case of food poisoning that kicked my ass.


Dude, you need to buy a lottery ticket. You've exhausted your lifetime's share of bad luck, so you're bound to win big.

People keep saying that... maybe I should.

In relation to my forearm, I found out something interestng (or is it disturbing?) this past weekend from a friend who was with me in the hospital the day of the accident... when I went in for surgery last week, the bone was overlapping about half an inch at the break - I thought that was pretty bad... turns out, when I crashed, my right arm was about 6 inches shorter than the left! The hospital staff pulled on it to bring it from 6 inches short to only half an inch short! Yes, it hurt (I squeezed my friend's hand so hard that it went numb), but they were gving me medication so I wouldn't remember any of that. :shock:

November 1st, 2007, 06:26 PM
Yeah, there's probably a lot you don't remember... I hear they pulled something else to get it from a half inch to six inches, but I didn't ask for details. :o

November 3rd, 2007, 09:18 AM
Bob- My kid,

What in the heck ! Now this is Mom saying you best take better care of yourself. My knees are chapped from cashing in brownie points for your complete recovery. I'm sure I ran out the first week but Bob, any I got you got.

You need anything? Mom's always on the job.


Wild Cheetah 612
November 4th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Otis can certainly relate. He broke his right femur when he was 14 and ended up with a right leg shorter than his left. Now with the left hip replacement, his left leg is even longer.

Spicee Brown
November 10th, 2007, 02:10 PM
Glad youre doing better Bob. Wish i could make the track day next week, but I gotta sell bikes. Hope to maybe see you out at Brecks ( if youre at a point where youre up to it..Which I hope is soon). TAKE CARE SOLDIER!

Dave, Colorado Powersports

November 16th, 2007, 11:51 AM
Glad your walkin around Spiderman!!! Maybe we'll see ya tomorrow at the track?