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View Full Version : **LOOK** New Track Information Meeting and Site Tours!!

September 12th, 2007, 04:07 PM

Before you call, or if you want to email me your RSVP (mraracer157@yahoo.com), I will need to know:

1) how many people are in your party and their names
2) what entree each person wants (ribeye, chicken or broccoli alfredo veggie)

I will schedule you in one of the site tours and let you know what time you need to arrive!!

I'm hoping to get a lot of you out there to get excited about this!! Reserve early because once we get to about 140 people I'll need to either cut it off or make additional arrangements!

September 13th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Just to be clear, in response to a couple questions I've gotten - if you are going on the tour of the site you need to go to May Farms and gather there. Due to a lack of parking at the track site we can't simply caravan out there, we will all get on a 50 passenger charter bus at May Farms and go to the site that way.

I'm planning two hours per tour, so the latest one will leave May Farms at 3:00 and it's filling up. Once it's full I will start assigning people to a 1:00 tour, and so on.

See you there!!

September 25th, 2007, 11:29 AM
Directions to May Farms can be found here --> http://mayfarms.com/directions.pdf

October 1st, 2007, 08:50 AM
Here is the current list of people I have signed up to attend. I am not taking any additional reservations, but please let me know if you had signed up and I missed you for some reason.

3:00 Tour
Randy Adami
Matt Amati
Tawny Amati
Chris Anderson
Del Armstrong
Bree Argetsinger
Suzanne Baker
Tony Baker
Donna Bowden
Jeff Brown
Derek Burns
Bob Canoy
Glenn Carlson
Tammy Carlson
Glenn Conser
Brett Daugherty
Dion Eads
Jennifer Eads
Jon Glaefke
Aaron Hersh
Corrine Hersh
Kyle Isker
Kevin McGuire
Kristina Meyers
Bill Miller
Cal Neske
Kristie Neske
Mike Nispel
Margaret Oliver
Alice Palmer
Deanna Palmer
Mark Palmer
Shannon Parrish
Sheila Paul
Kasey Pearson
Marvin Pickett
Jim Reed
William Reichenberg
Dan Turner
Chris Weed
Jess Weed
Tim Weideman
Jared Wilson
Mike Worthington
Kristie Young

1:00 Tour
Karen Alexander
Mike Bathke
Pedro Bravo
Jim Brewer
Tamela Cash
Lyle Ching
Dan Eid
Kathy Fricke
Kristyn Howarth
Randy Ray Miller
Mark Norby
Ricky Orlando
Rob Pachecho
Lou Rodriquez
Bob Rollidge
Trina Turner
Graeme Winston-Lewis
Scott Woodall

October 3rd, 2007, 10:46 PM
Remember to bring your check books or cash for the silent auction goodies!

October 4th, 2007, 08:36 AM
So the bus rolls at the time stated? or what time should we be there ready to roll?

October 4th, 2007, 08:56 AM
If you're on the 1:00 tour please be at MAY FARMS by 12:45

If you're on the 3:00 tour please be at MAY FARMS by 2:45