View Full Version : 2019 Board of Directors Nominations are Closed

September 12th, 2018, 10:47 PM

The following positions are up for election at the November Annual Meeting. Nominations opened at the General Meeting on September the 12th, and they close at the end of the General Meeting on October the 10th. The Annual Meeting and Election is held on November 7th.

Nominations can be made via this thread, or thru any Board Member. They do NOT need to be seconded. Please do us the courtesy of accepting or declining so we can let the members know as we go. Anyone can be nominated by any MRA Member, but the nominee MUST become an MRA member before accepting the nomination

Vice President is an Officer on the Board of Directors and is responsible for a variety of tactical projects designed to assure the efficient business operation of the MRA. Major responsibilities include:

Membership management including applications, licenses, competition number management and associated data entry
Contingency management including securing contingency sponsors, reporting results and maintaining relationships
Oversight of the superstreet, gate ticket, license post card and membership packet design and publication

Furthermore the VP is the primary point of contact for Racewurx for enhancement, problem resolution and operations.
In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall have the powers and perform the duties of the President.

Treasurer is an Officer on the Board of Directors. This position requires knowledge and skills which include transaction processing using Paypal, RaceWurx and QuickBooks, balancing bank statements, preparation of P&L statements, interfacing with CPAs for yearly tax filing and issuance of 1099s. The Treasurer will also prepare annual budgets, process checks and credit cards for all payments, issue checks on race day, and reconcile race payments with entries. This is a non-racing position. The Treasurer position is a non-riding position as the duties associated carry through both race days.

Vice President of Rules and Tech - Officer on the Board of Directors. Creates, compile and publish rules for competition in the form of a rule book; Provides for technical inspection of equipment being used by the riders and bar any equipment which does not conform to technical standards; and Serves as a referee in the enforcement of rules regulating equipment standards, class suitability, and all other matters specified in the rule book not otherwise delegated in the By-Laws.The VP of Rules and Tech positions can be held by riders or non-riders.

New Rider Director - Officer on the Board of Directors.

Responsible for organizing and instructing New Rider School, Super Street and evaluations
Recruit, evaluate and make final determination of the credentials and suitability of assistants, instructors and schools
Make final determination whether riders are qualified to compete in an event
Approve or deny new license applications, rider advancements and revocation of advancements, racing credentials from other organizations and schools, and other duties specified in the rule book.

The Rider Representative positions must be held by racers so that they may maintain the rider's perspective, teach and coach throughout the season. In addition to being a "voice" of the racing membership, there are 4 distinct "Rider Rep Positions" and specific responsibilities that come with each:

Rulebook - responsible for knowing rulebook inside and out, compiling new rule suggestions, coordinating and conducting rulebook committee meeting, and then presenting committee recommendations to the Board. Also requires making edits, corrections, etc... to rulebook as necessary, and then preparing rulebook text for the publishing company as per their guidelines. The majority of the work in this position occurs "off season".

Trophy and Class Sponsorship - responsible for contacting existing and prospective trophy sponsors to ensure classes are sponsored for race season. Must negotiate sponsorships, giving first right of refusal to returning class sponsors. Prepares and delivers invoices to trophy sponsors, and provides ongoing contact with trophy sponsors as necessary. Also responsible for contracting, ordering, and delivering trophies to MRA events and Award Ceremony. The workload for this position is fairly evenly spread throughout the calendar year.

Public Relations/Events - responsible for heading up and coordinating local/regional PR events with members and volunteers, and the construction, maintenance and distribution of E-Displays. Orders flyers, staff's events (bike nights, dealership open houses, etc...), posts on other club sites, communicates with Board regarding marketing expenditures, etc... This is NOT a one-man-band position. It requires someone who can coordinate and motivate members to attend various functions and keep tabs on ALL PR events to be sure the MRA is properly represented. This position requires attention and effort throughout the calendar year.

Press / Communications - responsible for sending out results press releases immediately following the race weekend, primarily to Roadracing World and other race oriented magazines/websites. Also responsible for sending notifications to membership via MailChimp and updating MRA Facebook page and Twitter Account. Updates and maintains the MRA Hotline, collects the mail from the Post Office, and cross-posts relevant information to other club sites as necessary. This position also assists the Vice President with contingency duties including contacting current and prospective contingency sponsors to ensure continued support in next season, phone and e-mail work to confirm forms, payouts, etc..., and assists in timely filing of contingency forms throughout the season. The workload for this position is year-round, but the heaviest load is immediately preceding, and during the race season.

Nominations can be made via this thread, or thru any Board Member. They do NOT need to be seconded. Please do us the courtesy of accepting or declining so we can let the members know as we go.

Bio's from accepted candidates are DUE no later than 6pm on FRIDAY OCTOBER 12th.

Nominations for open positions are:

Vice President

Jeremy Alexander - Accepted


Laci Lukachy - Accepted

VP of Rules and Tech

Brett Leveque - Accepted
Scott Weitmann - Declined
Nyles Gourlie - Accepted
Dominic Medina - Declined

New Rider Director

Jeff Brown - Accepted

Rider Rep - Rulebook

Shannon Moham - Accepted
Brian Dobrowolski - Declined

Rider Rep - Trophies and Class Sponsorship

Phil Pleiss - Accepted
Tyler Weaver - Declined

Rider Rep - Public Relations & Marketing

Cindy Wulf - Accepted
Matt Cooper - Accepted

Rider Rep - Press & Communications

Jim Brewer - Accepted
Dave Day - Accepted

September 13th, 2018, 08:01 AM
I accept the nomination for Rider Rep - Trophies and Class Sponsorship! Thanks!

September 13th, 2018, 09:33 AM
Jim brewer for RR press/communications

September 13th, 2018, 09:44 AM
I nominate Cindy Wulf again she did a great job this year. :) Cindy for rider rep PR and Marketing

September 13th, 2018, 10:20 AM
I nominate Shannon for rider rep Rule book and Jeff B for New Rider Director and
I also nominate Brett for VP of Rules and Tech.

September 13th, 2018, 03:20 PM
I accept and hope to have the honor serving for another year!

GiXXXer Junkie
September 13th, 2018, 07:18 PM
I accept the nomination to continue serving as your VP, thank you.

September 13th, 2018, 08:12 PM
I would like to nominate Tyler Weaver for Rider Rep/ Trophies and Class Sponsorship

September 14th, 2018, 09:43 PM
I accept the nomination for VP of Rules and Tech.

September 18th, 2018, 07:45 AM
I accept the nomination for VP Rules and Tech.

September 18th, 2018, 09:35 AM
I nominate Cindy Wulf again she did a great job this year. :) Cindy for rider rep PR and Marketing

Thank you, so much - I accept the nomination. I've enjoyed serving on the board.

September 20th, 2018, 09:28 AM
A member has nominated Nyles Gourlie for VP of Rules and Tech.

September 21st, 2018, 09:44 AM
I would like to nominate Dominic Medina for VP of Rules and Tech

October 8th, 2018, 09:24 PM
I would like to thank whomever nominated me but after much thought and consideration, I have decided to decline my acceptance for the nomination for VP of Rules and Tech. My plan is to put 100% of my focus and dedication to racing the entire 2019 MRA season.

October 9th, 2018, 04:19 PM
I accept the nomination for Treasurer.

Jim Brewer
October 10th, 2018, 02:20 PM
Jim brewer for RR press/communications

Thanks much, buddy! I accept.