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View Full Version : MRA Round 7 is Corner Worker Appreciation Weekend

September 7th, 2017, 04:17 PM
Hey MRA Racers,

DO YOU LOVE TO RACE? Well we can't do it without corner workers, score keepers and ambulance staff! Our next round at HPR is corner worker appreciation. It's that time of year where you show your appreciation to YOUR corner workers for their hard work and dedication to the MRA so you can go out and race. We will have the event on Saturday night, after the race day is finished. This is a big deal and we should all be contributing to this...remember, we can't race without these amazing people!

Some things you can do:

1) Attend the event. Let these people know how much it means to all of us that they are there.

2) Consider how much racing means to you and find a gift to give accordingly. We know that racing is expensive with entry fees, maintenance, travel and tires. Is it worth 5% or 10% of your typical weekend expenses to let these core people know how much they are appreciated?

3) This is a great opportunity to support and give additional exposure to your sponsors. Many of the CW staff are riders. Buy something from one of your sponsors to contribute to the pool. Get a gift certificate to your favorite shop, get a gift that has your sponsor's name on it. You get the point. We can't do this sport without some help from sponsors and the support of the track crew. What a great way to say thanks to both!

Let’s show them how much you appreciate them!! Bring your items to the race day office. We will be presenting your appreciation to them SATURDAY after the races. Come join the fun!!

September 11th, 2017, 02:49 PM
Just a friendly reminder; Round 7 Pre-Entry closes this evening.