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View Full Version : 2015 Board of Directors Nominations are CLOSED

September 11th, 2014, 01:38 PM

The positions listed below are up for election at the November Meeting. Nominations opened at the General Meeting on September the 10th, and they close at the end of the General Meeting on October the 8th. The annual meeting and election is held on November 5th. Anyone can be nominated by any MRA Member, but the nominee MUST become an MRA member before accepting the nomination.

The Vice President and the VP of Rules and Tech positions can be held by riders or non-riders.

The Treasurer position is a non-riding position as the duties associated carry through both race days.

The New Rider Director and Rider Representative positions must be held by racers so that they may maintain the rider's perspective, teach and coach throughout the season.

In addition to being a "voice" of the racing membership, there are 4 distinct "Rider Rep Positions" and specific responsibilities that come with each:

Rulebook - responsible for knowing rulebook inside and out, compiling new rule suggestions, coordinating and conducting rulebook committee meeting, and then presenting committee recommendations to the Board. Also requires making edits, corrections, etc... to rulebook as necessary, and then preparing rulebook text for the publishing company as per their guidelines. The majority of the work in this position occurs "off season".

Trophy and Class Sponsorship - responsible for contacting existing and prospective trophy sponsors to ensure classes are sponsored for race season. Must negotiate sponsorships, giving first right of refusal to returning class sponsors. Prepares and delivers invoices to trophy sponsors, and provides ongoing contact with trophy sponsors as necessary. Also responsible for contracting, ordering, and delivering trophies to MRA events and Award Ceremony. The workload for this position is fairly evenly spread throughout the calendar year.

Public Relations/Events - responsible for heading up and coordinating local/regional PR events with members and volunteers, and the construction, maintenance and distribution of E-Displays. Orders flyers, staff's events (bike nights, dealership open houses, etc...), posts on other club sites, communicates with Board regarding marketing expenditures, etc... This is NOT a one-man-band position. It requires someone who can coordinate and motivate members to attend various functions and keep tabs on ALL PR events to be sure the MRA is properly represented. This position requires attention and effort throughout the calendar year.

Press / Communications - responsible for sending out results press releases immediately following the race weekend, primarily to Roadracing World and other race oriented magazines/websites. Also responsible for sending notifications to membership via MailChimp and updating MRA Facebook page and Twitter Account. Updates and maintains the MRA Hotline, collects the mail from the Post Office, and cross-posts relevant information to other club sites as necessary. This position also assists the Vice President with contingency duties including contacting current and prospective contingency sponsors to ensure continued support in next season, phone and e-mail work to confirm forms, payouts, etc..., and assists in timely filing of contingency forms throughout the season. The workload for this position is year-round, but the heaviest load is immediately preceding, and during the race season.

Nominations can be made via this thread, or thru any Board Member. They do NOT need to be seconded. Please do us the courtesy of accepting or declining so we can let the members know as we go.

Bio's from accepted candidates are DUE no later than 6pm on SUNDAY OCTOBER 12th. Ballots must be mailed as soon as possible following the October General Meeting.

Nominations for open positions are:

Vice President

Aaron Fisk - accepted


Rachael Zell - accepted

VP of Rules and Tech

Carl Sorenson - accepted

New Rider Director

Jeff Brown - accepted

Rider Rep - Rulebook

Shannon Moham - accepted
Scott Morrison - accepted

Rider Rep - Trophies and Class Sponsorship

Joe Logalbo - accepted

Rider Rep - Public Relations & Marketing

Louden David - accepted

Rider Rep - Press & Communications

Nik Lenski - declined
Jim Brewer - accepted

September 11th, 2014, 06:59 PM
I nominate Jim Brewer- rider rep, press/communications

September 16th, 2014, 10:40 AM
Once again, Thank you for the nomination for NRD.

I accept gladly accept the Nomination.


Jim 'smooth' Brewer
September 16th, 2014, 12:00 PM
I nominate Jim Brewer- rider rep, press/communications

Ackkk-cept. http://users.frii.com/jjb/emote/bounce.gif

September 16th, 2014, 03:11 PM
Thank you for the nomination, I am grateful for the support and gladly accept.

Its been a beautiful ride so far, why stop? :-)

September 18th, 2014, 04:10 PM
I respectfully decline.

Thank you

September 22nd, 2014, 10:04 AM
Thank you for the nomination..I accept

September 30th, 2014, 06:55 PM
I accept. Thank you.

October 6th, 2014, 05:52 PM
Thank you for the 2014 nomination of VP for MRA.

I respectfully accept this nomination and hope you all will continue with me in this journey to keep the MRA a success!

Aaron F.

GiXXXer Junkie
October 8th, 2014, 03:27 PM
I nominate Scott Morrison for Rider Rep - Rule Book

October 8th, 2014, 03:46 PM

October 13th, 2014, 08:15 AM
Candidate Biographies
Aaron Fisk
Vice-Presidential Candidate
Thank you for nominating me to the position of MRA Vice President. It continues to be an honor to give back to the club in an official capacity.
Stepping in to fill the vacant VP position last year was both challenging and rewarding as our team continues to learn. With the retirement of many key positions at the end of 2013 our team had quite a challenge ahead. However, I am very proud of the progress we made in 2014 and the success of our season. I am happy that our team has continued the trend in keeping the MRA a strong club with great participation. Our formula continues to be working and we are continuing to evaluate how we can do things better and excel where we can.
Serving on the MRA board has been great, and with your continued vote as Vice President I look forward to providing a high level of service for the next term for our Racers, Sponsors and board members. This position does take a LARGE amount of time and dedication to function effectively. I believe I have demonstrated those qualities and will continue to do so going forward.
In closing I’ve really enjoyed working for you and I hope you’ll elect me for MRA Vice President.
Thanks much,
Aaron Fisk #125

Rachael Zell
Treasurer Candidate
Hi All,
I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to the membership for giving me the opportunity to continue my involvement in such a wonderful organization. It means the world to me that I possess skills that can help such a great group of riders and promote the love of racing.
I have been a huge fan of racing on a national and international level, but was unaware that there was local racing here in Colorado until I was introduced to the MRA at the beginning of the 2011 season. I was merely a spectator and an occasional pit “person” (wouldn’t call myself a crew by any stretch) until the unsuspecting day in Pueblo when one Mr. Tony Baker plucked me out of the pits and my announcing debut was made. I loved every minute in the announcer’s booth and still enjoy it to this day. After helping out as an announcer for a couple seasons, I came to the realization that I could give more to the MRA than just my commentary. At that time, I decided that while I was unable to begin my own race program due to financial limitations, I could give the MRA my professional experience. I was nominated and elected as the Treasurer for the 2013-2014 term.
I will try and keep it brief, but if elected to continue serving as Treasurer, my goal is to continue to foster the financial growth of this club to ensure lasting sustainability. By promoting sound financial decisions, I am confident the MRA will become more successful than ever before.
Thank you all for your time, your commitment to this club and your consideration!

Carl Sorensen
Vice President of Rules and Tech Candidate
Well, for those of you that don't know, I'm the big happy face that you had to have look over your bike every round the last two years. It was my pleasure to do the VP of Rules and Tech job the last two years, I really enjoyed it.
A little back ground on me: I moved to Colorado in fall of 2007 from Virginia where I had done track days for a few years. During the winter of 2008 I decided I'd give racing a shot and got my license after taking the MRA race school. I raced a full year as a novice in 2008 and had the time of my life. I was impressed by how helpful everyone was and how tight of a family the MRA seemed to be. I've raced full seasons for the last 7 years and have got to know the club pretty well. And served on the board as the VP of Rules and Tech for the 2012, 2013 and 2014seasons.
My main commitment if elected is to work hard to serve the club and make it as safe and as fair as I possibly can. I feel that with my mechanical background and experience in the pits I can well accomplish the job at hand. I would like to continue doing Friday night tech and whatever else I can to make the race weekend smooth for the racers as well as the rest of the hard working board members.

It's been great working on the board the last three years and seeing the club grow and continue to move forward and I look forward to being a part of it again next season.
Thank you,

Jeff Brown
New Rider Director Candidate
Thank you for nominated me to be the MRA’s New Rider Director.
I have been involved with this club for 12 seasons now, and the last six serving as an active Board member.
As I have said before, I find great satisfaction in helping others, watching their skills and results improve, and seeing the smile on their faces.
We as a club continue to make changes to the New Racer School, as well as the Superstreet program. Changes that are having a positive effect on the new racers coming into the club, and I will continue to try improve those programs in the future to come. Along with the rest of the MRA’s Board of Directors, I am always open to suggestions and ideas, and if possible will try to implement those ideas in any way that I can.
I take great pride in not just helping the new racers, but helping everyone throughout their entire careers. I am a firm believer that we as a club can change the average Road Racer’s career from 3 years, to 10+ years, if we can just them started off on the right foot to begin with.
Road Racing has become a way of life for me, and the MRA and its members have become my family. Not just the racers themselves, but their family and friends as well.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you, the members of the MRA, for all these years. I will continue to do the best job that I can, for years to come, in an effort to keep this sport alive. The sport of Road Racing, which we all love so much.

Jeff Brown – AKA- Brownie

“What can Brown do for you?”

Shannon Moham
Rider Rep – Rulebook Candidate
Thank you for the opportunity to once again be your MRA rider representative for the 2015 season. My very first motorcycle was obtained at the ripe age of eight, and I successfully managed to crash into my neighbor's garage on Christmas morning. Let’s just say I've come a long way! I have been racing motorcycles for more than a decade and have climbed my way through the ranks to become, what I feel, is a very accomplished expert racer. Without question, I thoroughly love and enjoy racing motorcycles. My competitiveness and passion are two characteristics that help me bring new and exciting insight into the MRA. It is my belief that I offer a unique perspective to the board because I have raced with the majority of major road racing organizations in North America; excelled at racing our lightweight classes to Race of the Rockies; and provided instruction and guidance to almost every superstreet class since its inception. This exposure enables me to bring a lot to the table in terms of what I have seen work and not work throughout these organizations. The MRA is not just an organization that I belong to--not just an organization that I race for. It's a family. A family of people that I choose to spend my weekends with, laughing, sharing, and yes, even hurting with at times. It is this very family that I will continue to represent. I will speak up for those who don't know how to voice their thoughts and/or opinions, and will help express any and all ideas of every racer that wants to put them out there. During my tenure as a MRA rider representative, there was great satisfaction in being part of a board that continually endeavored to improve. I also take pride that as your rider representative for the rulebook, I created an entire set of rules and class structure for the annual four-hour endurance race; I championed Friday night tech; and I created a spirit of the rulebook ethos. I also developed a new points system from a mathematical approach and researched from a vast array of road race point systems used throughout the world. The best part of the new points system is that it works! Making every rider’s experience unsurpassed has my constant attention.

From graduating from the United States Air Force Academy, to leading troops in combat, I have always been very professional in every aspect of my life, and I want only the best for the future of the MRA. I promise to continue to work with the board members, the racers, and their families to fight for what they want for the future of their club. The MRA has been an amazing experience in my life and I'm extremely grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful group of people. Thank you, again, for allowing me to represent you for the new 2015 season. See you on the track!

Scott Morrison
Rider Rep – Rulebook Candidate

I feel that I may be fit for the position of Rider Rep, Rulebook as I have an extensive mechanical background. Also, I think I could bring new ideas and valuable input to the board as far as rulebook interpretation, safety standards, and overseeing tear-downs of bikes under rulebook violations should such situations apply! It would be a fun, new challenge I would love the chance to have! Thanks for the nomination, Jeremy Alexander, and thanks to all who vote for me!
Thank You,
Scott Morrison
Master Automotive Technician
Expert #127

Joe Logalbo
Rider Rep – Trophy Candidate
First, I would like to thank the MRA Board of Directors for appointing me to the Rider Rep position for the 2014 race season. I found the position to be fun and sometimes challenging.

Second, I am honored to receive and accept my nomination for the position again in 2015. I began racing with the MRA in 2003. In the past 11 years I found the racing, the club and its members to be a source of great fun and enjoyment.

It appears that I will be running unopposed and therefore, I am looking forward to the 2015 season and representing the members of our Club as I pursue new and existing sponsorship opportunities.

Thank you,

Joe LoGalbo

MRA 55

Louden David
Rider Rep – Public Relations Candidate
I would like to start off by saying it has been an honor to represent the MRA in this position for the past three seasons, and it has been made only more enjoyable having been able to work with some of the MRA’s finest. Being a member of the MRA has broadened my life in so many ways I couldn't imagine having not been a part of this organization. I must say thank you for having me be a member of this club, and for giving me the opportunity to give back to those who I consider to be like family.
As a Rider Representative I must say some moments were difficult, but every day with the help of all of those involved in the MRA I was able to keep moving forward. Because that is what I was taught by the MRA when things are not going as planned we get up dust ourselves off and try again. This season as a rider rep was all about trying to continue making the MRA a long term viable means of advertising; while doing my best to support those who support the MRA. With a significant amount of help from so many sources involved in Colorado Motorsports we were able to do so.
Currently the MRA has twenty four audio video MRA E-displays throughout the state which are capable of delivering a promotional message, directing like-minded individuals to try road racing with the MRA. Also they readily hold our printed media making them stand out and be noticed. Furthermore, these devices have helped maintain relationships with all those who have supported the MRA and its riders. To say the least it is something that I’m proud to have been able to collectively develop, test, and implement.
Though the aforementioned goals for the MRA Public Relations department I consider to be quite impressive, with the help of volunteers and other members of the board we were still able to attended several motorcycle related events to promote our sport as well as continue to grow our social media following.
Though I’m very proud of what I was involved in this season with the MRA and very proud of all the other improvements that were being made by the board of directors, this election is about the future of the MRA and what we representatives will be doing over the next year to build upon what has already been accomplished, and therefore I hope to continue to build upon what we have already accomplished.
Thank you,
Louden David

Jim Brewer
Rider Rep – Press & Communications Candidate
It's a privilege to be nominated for the position of Rider Rep for Press & Communications. I have been involved with the MRA since 1991 as a racer, rider rep, announcer, and race instructor. I started road racing with the AFM in 1989 and have raced continuously since. Over my racing career, I've held race licenses with 9 different racing organizations and have competed at 19 different racetracks across the nation. This exposure has enabled me to make numerous personal contacts that I think will help me promote the MRA into new racing networks. I've also recently retired from my day job, so I will definitely have more time to devote to MRA business and club activities. I'd appreciate your vote.
Thank you,
Jim Brewer