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View Full Version : $$$Hastings raises$$$

May 8th, 2007, 09:08 AM
To all,
At last night's board meeting it was decided that we would once again raise the pay of the cornerworkers working at Hastings events due to the additional logistical burdens placed on them.
Therefore, everyone who comes to Hastings to cornerwork will receive an additional $25 a day pay increase. That's $75 dollars more for this weekend, than you would normally make in CO. This $25/day raise will apply to all Hastings events.

Hope this helps convince some more of you to come, as veteran Cornerworker attendance has been pathetic. You vets need to add up the pay, remember the good times, and think hard about what you are doing with your time away...

VParra '06EquipMgr
May 8th, 2007, 09:12 AM
To all,
At last night's board meeting it was decided that we would once again raise the pay of the cornerworkers working at Hastings events due to the additional logistical burdens placed on them.
Therefore, everyone who comes to Hastings to cornerwork will receive an additional $25 a day pay increase. That's $75 dollars more for this weekend, than you would normally make in CO. This $25/day raise will apply to all Hastings events.

Hope this helps convince some more of you to come, as veteran Cornerworker attendance has been pathetic. You vets need to add up the pay, remember the good times, and think hard about what you are doing with your time away...

Tim, we want to lure them, not shame them into submission.

Don't worry corner workers, he didn't mean it . . . (asshole tim)

Hope you see you guys and gal out there.

May 8th, 2007, 09:18 AM
Where else but in the MRA could you give a guy $75 more a weekend and still be called an asshole?
Vince did I mention how easy it was for Michelle and I to do your job during your absence :?: And we sure didn't mind splitting your check :!:
Something for you to think about eh? :-k

May 8th, 2007, 09:40 AM
ZOWIE! Uh.... your serve, Vince!

*pulls up chair and breaks out pop-corn!*

May 8th, 2007, 10:45 AM
Thank you Timmay if I have the time open I will most likely show up now.


May 8th, 2007, 11:52 AM
Thank you Timmay if I have the time open I will most likely show up now. Lurch

Did you need a ride to save on fuel? We already have a room for you...

May 8th, 2007, 02:30 PM
Thank you Timmay if I have the time open I will most likely show up now. Lurch

Did you need a ride to save on fuel? We already have a room for you...

I'm working on a ride but I see the offers on the table and may take one of those. Everything depends on the ole job situtation.

VParra '06EquipMgr
May 8th, 2007, 10:16 PM

Glad I could share the wealth of "One" check with you and Michelle . . . I could only assume that "Two" would make it easier?!

And by the way. . . a sincere "Thank You" for your efforts to secure more monies for the corner workers . . . as you did last year.

Once again, you not only "think and talk" what is best for the racers and corner workers as the 2nd Year Track Marshal to secure the best corner workers in the business, but you are consistently "showing" that you can walk the walk when it all comes down to backing up the racers and the corner workers.

See ya in Hastings.

May 9th, 2007, 08:51 AM
"well" "said", "Vince"! :D

George Anderson
May 19th, 2007, 11:11 PM
Can I have a 5$ raise to drive the Bus? Tips accepted!

May 20th, 2007, 10:01 PM
Oh yeah, George! I'll put in some $$$ for gas to fuel the margarita bus!!! That was total fun, I'll help you sell tickets if you'd like! I'll even set up a booth. For all of those that did not make it to Hastings in October, this ride was the highlight of the weekend.....even beat out the races!

George, will it be a 'double header'?

George Anderson
May 20th, 2007, 10:24 PM
Sunday evening the price is double...$10
Friday evening " Murphy's Wagon Wheel" in Down Town Hastings 1st & Lincoln Street
Saturday Evening "Murphy's at the Track for Nebraska Famous Steaks, then Bus Rides"
Sunday evening....Barrel Bar (Close to Track for CharBurgers and Beer) then off to the Famous "Reno Bar (indoor/outdoor) in down town Hastings 2nd & Kansas. They serve our version of the Jager Bomber with Red Bull