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July 10th, 2013, 10:51 PM

The last few months my life has changed in ways I couldn't have ever predicted or thought possible.

Despite the appearance from the outside and any material possessions that may allude to a happy life, I have lost so much that I love and so much that I live for--including my "perfect health". The struggles I face have been some of the toughest to date in my life and most unique. While I know that any one or couple of these I could face and work through successfully, the combination of it all is what ultimately is more than I can cope with.

It is with truly great regret that I feel the best decision for me is to resign from the MRA Board of Directors. I am not one to make decisions that knowingly come with regret because that is not the way I live my life or the character trait I posses and absolutely hate that I am doing it now. However my health and personal well-being need to be the most important and I have to support myself in ways that positively affect them. My hope is that one day, when things improve, I will see this decision not as great regret, but as the healthiest choice that was paramount for my repair.

This decision has not come easily. From the moment I got involved with the MRA, my passion and drive was to give myself to the MRA and members. It made me happy to do it time and time again. It was the love for the MRA that drove me to volunteer all those times the first 2+ years at the shows and help anyone that I was qualified or able to. All I have ever wanted was to help in the biggest way possible that I knew how; that was to be on the board where the most work takes place.

When I applied for the position my resolve for the MRA was unwavering. I did not sell any of you on empty promises or intentions. I know that I am still very capable to produce and be a worker bee. My longstanding loyalty, commitment and hours of volunteer time to the MRA serve as evidence of my high moral code, regardless of others' perceptions. But it is the unfortunate timing of the unforeseen life changes that are preventing the results. So please let it be known that it was not any character misjudgment or a fallacy to select and appoint me, simply the timing wasn't right.

I am sorry to all of you and to myself to even have to be in this position.

I will miss the opportunity to make a difference for the MRA and the local racing community that this job offers and I will miss most all of the actual work of the job. I did take enjoyment in the writing.

Kevin Finnegan

Resident Chaplain
July 19th, 2013, 11:00 AM
I read your post of resignation. Needless to say I was moved with concern. If you can share, maybe I can help you through some difficult moments in your battles? I'll be at PPIR this weekend, hunt me down, otherwise contact me via email or a phone call.
MRA Resident Chaplain
Chaplain "Boots"
303-288-4828 home
720-238-1539 cell