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View Full Version : Starlane GPS Lap Timer w/ Digirace 2.0 Software

July 17th, 2012, 04:30 PM
Anyone using a Starlane lap timer w/ Digirace 2.0 software? Apparently the new version was released in May and has some enhancements.

If anyone is using this, would you be interested in sitting down over lunch or a coffee to swap data and training? I'm not anywhere near using this to full potential and need some help.

I'm certainly willing to share any and all data I have and what I've learned thus far. However, my bank of knowledge is limited as it's hard to understand the site when you don't speak eye-talian.

Let me know if interested --

July 17th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Dave, did you download the manuals?

I have not updated to the May update, I can do so. I'll have to see what telemetry I still have from mine as I recently changed laptops.

I can tell you what little I know about mine, and show you the slow way around the track :)

July 17th, 2012, 09:03 PM
Thanks man... I'll give you a shout or e-mail tomorrow to chat.

Do you have the Athon or Stealth? Any add'l data acquisition pieces (gears, rpm, etc)?

July 17th, 2012, 10:02 PM
I'm running the Athon. Nothing tied into the bike, I initially tried to pull RPM, but never was able to pick up anything from the coils.